Friday, 27 February 2009

a thief amongst us !

I just could not resist taking a pic of this little thief helping himself from my friends compost bucket. His artful antics kept us amused for some time and who could begrudge him his rich pickings. His chums were on our hit list last summer after damaging our fruit cage and trashing the raspberry canes. They then systematically stole all our cordon apples. However, this little chap lives some distance from our smallholding so the only crime he is guilty of is time wasting! He has reminded me that i have a lot of netting repairs to carry out before the season realy gets started, hmm. . . not my kind of fun, rather be weeding or sowing any day.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Multi Coloured Egg Box

Here are my beautiful blue eggs, along with those from my other hens, arent they delightful. Its these little things in life that perk up my days. Like yesterday, walking in the woods we saw a stoat. He/she was probably in pursuit of lunch as the rabbit burrows were close by. Alas the camera was in the car, all nice and warm but useless. We stood quietly for some time watching his antics, it was fantastic, just 15ft or so from us. They are such agile creatures. We are hoping the stoat family are living in the same bramble bush as last year, from which we were able to watch the fun and games of their young. Heres hoping!

Saturday, 14 February 2009


What a great day to start blogging, the sun is glorious after the past weaks of snow and rain. Perhaps Spring is not so far around the corner after all! Our wonderful bantam Wyandottes are coming back into lay and we recently discovered that a couple of our new Dorkings lay beautiful blue/green eggs, unlike their palls who are all white egg layers. Im over the moon, i have always wanted a selection of coloured eggs, reminiscent of those my grandma used to have.

All the kitchen garden seeds are sorted and ready for sowing, whilst seed potatoes purchased at Hampshire Potato Day are layed out neatly and beginning to chit. This is such an exciting time of year, a new season awaits with everything poised to burst into bud, and the garden positively beckoning us to start sowing. Meanwhile i shall get on in the kitchen, making yet more Marmalade before the Seville Oranges leave the Veg Shop.